Thursday, April 7, 2011

Class recap - daily prompt

Well, I liked the class as a hole. I loved the poerty, and really enjoyed being able to write whatever I wanted. But I'm sorry, I can't stand that hole "get to know your class" crap. Where we WASTED the first week of class going around the class and telling our names. I don't care about Joe Schmoe on the other side of the room who went to the beach last year. I care about learning, and hanging with my friends and working on writing. It's been my number one problem with all of these classes. I also don't like some of the prompts. The big bunny??? Are you screwing with me??? Give me a good starting point and I'll write you solid gold. But I just couldn't stand someone of the writings we had to do. But other than that, Mr. Krebs, I absolutely LOVED this class.

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