Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Surroundings...

My parents divorced in 2002, I was in fourth grade. By sixth grade she had found a man she was ready to move in with. I finished my 6th grade year and waved good bye to my friends and good bye to Rosemount. Though we only moved roughly 10 minutes away, it felt like a Brave New World too me. I didn't know anyone, or at least thought I didn't. But I remember how terrified I was walking through those door foor the first time and thinking...I was completely, utterly, and inescapably on my own. I felt like a leper repelling everything and everyone away from me. That probably was one of the most frightening days of my life. I felt the same way when I walked through Eastview's doors for the first time, but at least then I knew among all the unfamiliar faces there, that a few a recognized were lurking in the background.

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